Columbia Kids Preschool (Ages 3-5)
Columbia Kids Preschool is an educational community of parents, teachers and children age 3-5. For over 40 years, Columbia Kids has provided Clark County families with affordable, quality education for both children and parents
At Columbia Kids, we believe that each child is a precious individual, deserving of respect and of loving guidance in developing to his/her fullest potential.
We strive to provide the atmosphere, the environment, the experiences and the direction our children need to develop self-reliance and a sense of pride and confidence.
We use a positive approach to discipline to foster in our children responsibility and a positive self-image.
Guided by our lead teacher, both children and parents learn by doing. Our 3, 4, and 5 year olds have daily opportunities for fine and gross motor development, social interaction with peers and adults, art projects, imaginative play, physical play indoors and out, and introductory reading, writing, and math skills.
Parents learn by working alongside the teacher in the classroom and putting into practice our philosophy and methods for guiding children. Parents also meet on a regular basis for parent education sessions. All meetings are at the preschool in Battle Ground.
Parent education includes reading and writing projects on subjects such as sibling rivalry, modern media, and brain development, and they provide an opportunity to discuss parenting with a facilitator and other parents.
Classes will be held Monday and Thursday from 9am-11:30am.