Schedules and Tuition
Columbia Kids Preschool:
Mondays and Thursdays from 9 - 11:30am
Sprouting Seeds:
Tuesdays or Wednesdays and Fridays 12:30 - 4pm
The annual tuition rate is broken into 10 equal monthly payments for the convenience of our families. Therefore, no refunds are given for holidays, absences (see the teacher about make-up days for absences), snow days or pre-announced no-school days stated on the annual calendar.
Parents with more than one child enrolled will receive a 10% discount on tuition for the second child and a 15% discount on the third child. Tuition is full price for the child with the highest standard fee.
Tuition Rates
Columbia Kids Preschool - (10% discount second child, 15% discount third child)
2 days a week - 180/month
3 days a week - 270/month
4 days a week - 360/month
Sprouting Seeds - (10% discount second child, 15% discount third child)
2 days a week - 230/month