Sprouting Seeds Enrichment Program
(Ages 6-13)

Sprouting Seeds is an afternoon school program for students in kindergarten through middle school. The Sprouting Seeds cooperative community is made up of two teachers and a small group of dedicated parents and their children. Public, private and home school students take part in Sprouting Seeds.


The families of Sprouting Seeds have created an alternative learning community by embracing the talents of both teachers and parents, who collaborate in developing the curriculum each quarter. We foster our children’s inherent desire to learn by integrating traditional academics with dynamic curricula and contextual education.


Our school program is centered on extended, integrated unit studies. Every week in the classroom, children are involved in home- or class-reading book discussions, contextual math, classroom responsibilities, seasonal studies, journaling, and in-depth projects related to unit topics. Parents and teachers meet regularly to design each unit’s curriculum, and parents develop unit-related projects to share with the students in class. Classroom assistance is provided by each parent through facilitating projects, lending literary support at journaling, and providing nourishing snacks for the students.


Tues or Wed, and Fridays 12:30 - 4pm

The school year consists of three studies, each approximately 10 weeks long.